Saturday, January 23, 2010

At Random

Why is the Citizen-Times giving such thorough coverage to the sudden departure of Geraldine Plato as executive director of Handmade in AmericaTwo stories in two days, the first by Sandra Rodriquez, the second by the ubiquitous "Staff Reports."  Both suggest some problems with the organization.  If this organization is important to the community, can the Citizen-Times assign someone other than "Staff Reports" to look into what's going on and please give us some background and context?

And why does Handmade in America rate the semi-investigative slant("But some in the crafts community are frustrated at the board's silence concerning the departure of Plato. . . . 'This was a shock to the staff and craft community, in fact, all over the community we serve, as well as a huge shock to our donors . . .'”) when the abrupt departure of Angela Martinez as executive director of the Asheville Area Arts Council got barely a mention?

Martinez's departure seems to have triggered a departure of almost all AAAC staff.  Is there something going on with the Arts Council that citizens in this arts destination town should know about?

Is there more going on with Handmade in America that citizens in this crafts-centric town should know about?

Should either of our newspapers be telling us?

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